
Planning applications where there is potential for impacts on the water environment may require consent/ approval from DAERA Water Management Unit, Inland Fisheries Division, & Natural Environment Division; Rivers Agency; Loughs Agency; Waterways Ireland. Developers must identify ecological values, protected aquatic species and sites, the potential effects of proposed activities and demonstrate effective mitigations.

We provide the following services:

Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

Reported as per CIEEM guidelines (2016), including scoping and consultation, assessment of baseline conditions, description of potential effects for construction, operational and decommissioning phases, and recommendation of appropriate mitigations.

Fish and protected aquatic species surveys

We can provide shore and boat-based fish survey methods – Semi-quantitative / full population assessment, CPUE, age structure/ scale analysis, growth and diet studies. Experience in surveying EU protected species – Otter, Salmon, Lamprey, Freshwater Pearl Mussel, and Crayfish.

Freshwater Biomonitoring

We are experienced in a broad range of methods for assessing and interpreting WFD-based status, general water quality, and trophic status (WFD- invertebrate quality element – BMWP-WHPT; ASPT-WHPT, RICT and Irish Q rating system; TDI, MTR). We have specific experience in freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring and offer training in sampling methods and taxa identification.

Water quality monitoring assessment and design

We offer a river and lake sampling service and can submit samples for analyses of a broad range of physico-chemical parameters using UKAS accredited water analytical laboratories. We can analyse and interpret complex water data sets, assess compliance with WFD environmental standards and consent conditions, determine ecological thresholds, and analyse temporal trends (statistical time-trends software).

Water Framework Directive (WFD) appropriate assessments

We can provide expert assessment of the potential impacts of proposed activities on WFD objectives (required by DAERA WMU)

River physical habitat surveys

We are trained in the conduct of river physical habitat surveys (RHS UK accredited; Inland Fisheries Division / AFBI Life-cycle unit method for assessing potential effects of development on salmon and trout habitat)

Aquatic invasive species surveys

We are experienced in risk assessment and mitigation for Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and other aquatic invasive species

Boat and survey equipment

The business has a power boat for the conduct of water quality and ecology surveys in lakes, large rivers and estuaries. We also can provide a boat and pilot service to support broader ecological surveys. We are Royal Yachting Association (UK) accredited and are experienced in boat handling having conducted ecological surveys in Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand.

We have a full range of survey and water sampling equipment including seine, gill, and fyke nets; electric fishing machines; kick-nets, drift nets, Surber samplers, plankton tows, ponar grabs, Ruttner water samplers.

Land Management and planning

We have experience in providing land management advice to assist in the achievement of favourable management for protected sites (SACs, SPAs, ASSI’s, RAMSAR). We can conduct rapid condition assessments and prepare site specific remedial management plans.

Our Clients and Accreditations

  • Our Clients and Accreditations
  • Our Clients and Accreditations
  • Our Clients and Accreditations
  • Our Clients and Accreditations